Gifted Gardens customers are often in the middle of deciding what to do with their garden, choosing plants or garden features, or simply just wondering what to do and in need of ideas!

Do any of these sound like you?

  • I have a lot of questions about what’s already growing in my garden, and need advice about plant care, maintenance and enhancing my outdoor space.
  • I want a nicer garden and can do the work myself… but I’m not sure what plants &/or garden features to buy/build, or where to place them to best advantage.
  • I know what I want for my garden, and need a little help putting together a plan to get quotes from landscapers.
  • I would love to have a beautiful outdoor space with that ‘professionally designed’ look (at a fraction of the cost, of course!).
  • I’m selling my home soon and want to increase it’s value with some new landscaping - without spending too much.

Of course, this list isn’t exhaustive - our clients are all at various stages in their garden improvement process. Wherever you’re at with your garden, Gifted Gardens can help!

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